They know me. They know my name.
Welcome to Metamorphosis, a shrine and fanlisting for Theon Greyjoy of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. As one of the easily most hated characters from the series, this shrines will both serve as a defense and a dedication to one of my favorite characters from the book series and show. The contents will be mostly book-focused, with discussions on how the show adds to or alters Theon's storyline. Ideally, this shrine will make more sense if you are at least familiar with the series, even if it's just the TV Show. If not, events referenced will be linked to the appropriate A Wiki of Ice and Fire pages.
The shrine sections are divided up by timeline in the various stages of Theon's story arcs, and outside of the fanlisting section, there will be plenty of spoilers for both the books and show. I'll be covering materials from A Game of Thrones (book 1) all the way to A Dance with Dragons (book 5), so if you haven't read all the books, you have been warned.
If you would like to know more about this layout, as well as anything related to this site's foundations, please navigate to the "Sitely" section at the top. If for whatever reason the top navigation does not work, you can view the Site Map instead. This fanlisting was approved and is listed at The Fanlistings Network under the Characters: Book/Movie (Song of Ice and Fire, A) and Characters: TV (Game of Thrones) categories. This shrine is listed at Amassment.
➸ (shrine updated on March 15, 2013)
All contents here are written by Yuuka, please do not copy or repost. All images and character story are copyrighted to HBO and George R.R. Martin, no infringement intended.
Metamorphosis was opened on 16 Feb 2012 and last updated on 06 Jan 2025 with a total of 28 (+0 pending) members, from 10 countries. The newest member(s) is Soann. Powered by Enthusiast.
What is a Fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a small site that collects a list of fans for a particular subject. Anime and manga related subjects are listed and regulated under The Anime Fanlistings Network and everything else falls under the control of The Fanlistings Network.